Afterwards the panel discussed the film, and some obstacles/challenges that artists/designers/crafters face in their work. I related to a bunch of their thoughts- one being from Mandy Greer, who spoke about how a project weaves its way into your life. How she carries her project bag with her to the park, and stitches while her children play. Subsequently introducing knitting to many small children, whom she teaches next to her on the park bench, if they are so inclined. Projects start to represent time periods in your life.
I have been carrying around a project bag of sorts around with me since last summer. I'm currently working on a a stitched piece for a friend's wedding and I try to get in a few rows ever opportunity I can. (long train rides, jersey shore vacation, watching the olympics, watching the 2008 Presidential Campaign, SEE this project already has memories for me!)
Another discussion came about how art education in schools is dwindling and being cut from budgets. ::GASP:: as I can't even imagine my childhood without art class. A coworker brought her daughter into work yesterday and she's in 7th grade. I started to muse about the best part of 7th & 8th grade being Home Economics and learning how to sew. (All I wanted for 8th grade graduation was a sewing machine) My SINGER is still going strong! These kids don't have art class anymore!
Definitely see this film when it stops by your city! More screenings being shown in NYC this weekend on Saturday & Sunday. Also MAD is pay what you wish on Thursday nights 6-9pm! Hello' I'm going back to explore the museum soon.
I thought that question about passing art/craft education to the next generation was really good.
Wasn't it fun being in a big room full of inspiring people?
so inspiring!
Let's hit up the museum next Thursday night!
And I also can't even imagine a life without art class. Who would I be today? Who would my classmates be? It is beyond important for young ones to have their creativity cultivated at a young age – as important as learning the times tables and reading comprehension. These are things that stay with you later in life and are ingrained into our everyday whether we are artists or not.
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